Purpose Statement

Exploration -> Experience -> Feeling -> Awareness -> Understanding -> Transformation -> Liberation

Wednesday, January 02, 2008

A painful beginning

Had to go to the emergency room on New Years Day after I cut my thumb while slicing cabbage for dinner. We folks from the south eat black eyed peas and greens - cabbage, spinach, turnip greens, collard greens, mustard greens - on New Years day.
It's a tradition that goes back to the civil war.
The copper colored black eyed peas and the green greens represent all the money you will make in the coming year. Get it? Copper pennies and greenback dollars.
I've paid a painful price for my 2008 cabbage.


Unknown said...

but the sutures look very nice...

Manai'a Explorations said...

Yes. The doc did a great job. Rutgers grad.

Unknown said...

you gotta post some more stuff - your site is one of my escapes after a clinic day...

lag said...

Not sure if you recall when I sliced the top of my pinkie finger while slicing onion, I believe, ~ I must have hit a nerve as I have no feeling in the tip of my finger. Are you healing nicely?