Purpose Statement

Exploration -> Experience -> Feeling -> Awareness -> Understanding -> Transformation -> Liberation

Sunday, September 07, 2014

Nectar is Everywhere

Leptonycteris yerbabuenae licking nectar from agave flowers near Elephant Head, Amado, AZ.
Nikon D800E, Nikon 70-200mm, f16, PhotoTrap, three Vivitar strobes

I spent a few hours last night with Bill Forbes, the inventor of the PhotoTrap, at his property at the base of Elephant Head near Amado, AZ. Bill gave me a private lesson on how to use the PhotoTrap and how to set up shots like the one above. We sat in lawn chairs and visited while bats zoomed all around us and the PhotoTrap did all the work.

I take possession of my PhotoTrap next week.

Bill's pet turkey spent the evening on top of my truck.

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